Thursday, November 18, 2010

California Tuition Protests Turns Violent

13 arrested and 4 Police Officers suffered minor injuries after protests at The University of California's Berkley Campos turned violent. Students protesting an 8% rate hike in tuition fees were joined by staff protesting pension recalculation. violence erupted about 9:15am when a group of students tried to force their way into the regents meeting. Which police responded to with pepper spray and riot police. And with every protest there is no end of videos uncovering excessive force and outright criminal assault on angry hippies. And this one is no different, so how is it over and over again Police are allowed to violate and outright deny us of our 1st amendment rights mostly without repercussions for their actions. How many more times do we have to see Police use bicycles and horses as weapons against unarmed protesters? There is no two ways about this, the constitution says what it says, and that means we the people have the right to assemble where ever whenever and for as long as we wish. And that law enforcement can not legally force us to disburse they can not legally force us to obtain permits, they can not use force to break us up. We however have the right to use force to protect our rights and freedoms. We have the right to rise up against them and take their weapons from them. We have the right to resist and we have the right to fight for our inalienable rights and liberties. We have far more right to raise our voices, than they have to silence us, we just need to be willing to fight and bleed for those rights.   

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